map wear and wayfinding
Let us Map out your ideas on Bandannas!

WHO: MapWear™ is offered by Bandanna Promotions, the largest bandanna manufacturer in the United States.
WHAT: A bandanna printed with a map. Start with any of our blank bandannas.
WHERE: MapWear™ can be used anytime people come to a location and need help finding their way around or need information about planned events.
WHY: A bandanna makes a great map because:
- It has a huge 18″ x 18″ imprint area, making it easy to read.
- It’s lightweight and easy to carry.
- Quickly and easily folds small enough to fit into a pocket or purse.
- You can wear it and it won’t tear.
- Won’t ruin if it gets wet.

Choose: 14″ x 14″ – 22″ x 22″ – 27″ x 27″ or custom size.
Then choose screen print, rotory or full color digital edge to edge print to complete….You Are Here!